(Cacatua alba)
Undoubtedly a fascinating and devoted pet, the umbrella cockatoo isn't for everyone. An owner who can establish limits is necessary for an umbrella cockatoo because it is a demanding pet.

One of the most friendly and sociable companion birds commonly available on the market today is the umbrella cockatoo, often known as the white cockatoo or the big white-crested cockatoo. The umbrella, a native of Indonesia, is little smaller than the Moluccan cockatoo but is not less charming or endearing. This gregarious cockatoo is noted for its bizarre behavior and for being too attached to its owners.
The umbrella's entirely white crest, which rises like an umbrella when the bird is aroused, disturbed, or ready to play (or bite! ), sets it apart from other white cockatoos. The undersides of the wings and tail are light yellow, while the beak and legs are of a dark gray color.
Character & Behavior
Undoubtedly a fascinating and devoted pet, the umbrella cockatoo isn't for everyone. This bird has the same bizarre behavior as the weather; it may play one minute and scream and bite the next. Although umbrella owners who are knowledgeable are privileged to live with this wonderful bird that was called for something ordinary—and indispensable—birds will be birds, with all of their idiosyncrasies and caprices.
The umbrella wants nothing more than to cuddle with the object of its desire. But, it might grow unduly attached to other birds or items in the pet store, which can make it quite sad when they are sold. These birds are very sentimental. The umbrella never wanders alone in the wild,