(Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus)
Anyone will stop and pay attention when they see the hyacinth macaw's striking cobalt-blue colour and enormous size. The largest of the macaw species has bright yellow around its eyes, at the base of its beak, and at the corners of its beak. This parrot is for someone who can afford a high price tag and has extra room.

The largest and possibly most beautiful member of the macaw family is the hyacinth macaw. It is the biggest parrot there is. The hyacinth is the "Great Dane" of companion birds; the mature male may grow to be over 40 inches long and is native to Bolivia, Paraguay, and Brazil. Few people really own hyacinth macaws as pets; most people will likely only get to see one in a zoo or larger bird shop. This blue macaw is the ultimate companion bird for the individual who has the time, patience, and money to properly care for this gorgeous beast, despite its size, propensity for damage, noise, and expense.
Character & Behavior
The hyacinth macaw, which is frequently referred to as a "gentle giant," is friendly but not gentle. Hyacinths are very readily subdued, yet they frequently want to play rough with both their "human" and other hyacinth macaws. It could snap a broomstick in half with only one crunch thanks to its beak's over 200 pounds of pressure per square inch. If you could call a hyacinth macaw with a huge beak snappy, even the most docile ones occasionally engage in playful behavior. Because of its formidable beak, this bird is best kept by a person who is not afraid of being bit; even with the most docile bird, the possibility of an occasional bite still exists.